
Okay, here is the dilemma. I think too much. Not on purpose. But, I think too much. I like to think. (I do not like to think). It is probably one of the most rewarding (and devastating) things that I can do for, (and to) myself. If you can relate to that, then there is a ninety percent chance that you probably suffer from the same gift (or curse).

I do most of my thinking at night. I am what people call, a night person. Although, I have been in the professional work-force for six years now, and I work a day shift, I can still be a night person. The reality is that I sleep at night; and I am awake most of the day. Please note, this is really equivalent to waiters in New York City who really are out-of-work actors. They consider themselves actors, but have been taking on temporary jobs as waiters for the passed six years without any acting jobs. Call me insensitive, but I consider this a full-time waiter, with an acting hobby. You can call me a hypocrite for being a night person, but I rather just call it "denial.", I think all the time. By day, I do most of my objective thinking. By night, I do a lot of philosophical thinking. There was once a point where I thought that everyone was like this. So, I brought it up in conversation with other people, and I got a bunch of blank stares, the deer-looking-at-headlights effect. That is when I realized I should change the subject. If you think about this thinking pattern of objectivity during the day, and philosophical by night, it is like a form of Jeckle-and-Hyde. But you know what? At least I get paid for half of it.

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